Mediation and Change Management


It is estimated that 25% of employees in France experience conflict at work “very frequently” or “fairly often”*, which translates, among other things, into:

  • approximately 152 billion euros spent annually on dispute resolution
  • A tense atmosphere not conducive to collaboration
  • Poor communication within teams
  • Feelings of exclusion and psychological discomfort
  • Resignations and loss of commitment
  • Decrease in performance and productivity

* See, for example, the OpinionWay study published in November 2021.


Conflict mediation is a voluntary, structured conflict resolution process in which an independent, impartial third party facilitates communication between the parties so that they can work together to find solutions.

As a preventive and proactive process, mediation can also play a key role in supporting change and transforming dynamics and relationships within organizations. Our services in preventive and project mediation are designed to anticipate, manage and resolve potential or emerging conflicts, while fostering a corporate culture based on collaboration, trust and innovation.

Whether you are an executive, human resources director, manager, director or project manager, these services may be of interest to you:


  1. Preventive mediation

Preventive mediation involves anticipating conflicts before they arise, by creating a framework conducive to communication and the resolution of incipient tensions. In situations involving business start-ups, building new teams, team reorganization, or the launch of a new project, my services include:

  • Internal relations audit: Analysis of interactions within the company/team to identify potential areas of friction.
  • Setting up dialogue processes: Creating discussion forums where expressing one’s point of view is encouraged, as is the preventive resolution of disagreements. This is achieved by putting in place practical mechanisms for better dialogue.
  • Introducing practical communication tools: raising awareness and training teams in the basic techniques of non-violent communication and interest-based negotiation to reduce misunderstandings and tensions and facilitate listening and collaboration.
  1. Project mediation

Both before and after a project is launched, collaboration between all stakeholders is essential. Large-scale projects, whether organizational, technological or strategic in nature, can generate major tensions due to the different visions and ways of operating of the teams and partners involved. I act as a mediator to help your projects run smoothly:

  • Project conflict management: Rapid intervention to resolve disputes between teams or partners, ensuring that the project runs more smoothly and therefore contributing to meeting project deadlines and objectives.
  • Facilitating collaborative processes: Setting up inter-team and inter-partner cooperation mechanisms to strengthen cohesion and efficiency.
  • Accompanying project-related change: managing resistance to change by facilitating buy-in through constructive dialogue with all stakeholders.
  1. Transformation of corporate culture

Beyond conflict management, the aim is to bring about a lasting transformation of corporate culture by integrating the values of respect, diversity and collaboration into the day-to-day work of the teams involved in mediation:

  • Diagnosis: Assessment of existing corporate culture and identification of difficulties encountered by teams, as well as opportunities for transformation.
  • Transformational leadership development: Supporting managers in adopting leadership practices and commitment to change, so as to foster the emergence of a positive and inclusive culture.
  • Strengthening human relations: raising awareness and training teams in non-violent communication and interest-based negotiation techniques to improve relations within teams.
  1. Conflict Mediation

 The aim is to resolve existing conflicts between individuals, within a team or between several teams in the same organization, or between a company and its customers, partners or suppliers. As a mediator, my aim is to facilitate the re-establishment of an open and constructive dialogue, based on mutual trust, and to find solutions that respect the needs and interests of all parties involved. Mediation is carried out through individual interviews and group mediation sessions (face-to-face or remote), which make it possible to understand, map out and resolve conflicts. It can be followed by team-building activities and follow-up action plans, depending on the specific needs identified.

  1. Follow-up and assessment

Whenever desired, we can provide further support to clients through a rigorous follow-up of the actions implemented, allowing us to reinforce their effectiveness and adjust the interventions accordingly:

  • Ongoing impact assessment: Regularly measure the effects of mediation on internal dynamics, and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Feedback and continuous improvement: Gathering feedback from stakeholders and improving existing processes to ensure lasting positive transformation.


I have developed a method that can be deployed remotely or face-to-face, adapted to participants’ availability, adjusted in accordance with companies’ resources, and that has consistently demonstrated its benefits.

Please contact me so we can discuss your current challenges and explore how my services can help positively transform your corporate culture and improve human relations within your teams and with your partners.

Together, let’s create a harmonious, resilient working environment, conducive to innovation and collective success.


My assets

Expertise in conflict management:

  • Accredited mediator since 2018.
  • Proven experience in conflict resolution and work centred on trust and collaboration.
  • In-depth experience of the operations and different roles involved in a variety of projects, in both the public and private sectors.

Human-centred approach:

  • A methodology based on listening and building trust that places individuals at the heart of change, promoting dialogue and inclusion.

Expertise in multicultural and international projects:

  • Over 20 years’ professional experience in multicultural and international projects.
  • Expertise in cultural diversity and inclusion (expert for UNESCO and OIF).
  • Mediation available in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Customized solutions:

  • Customized, face-to-face or remote interventions, adapted to the specific resources and needs of each organization.