Lilian Richieri Hanania is an attorney (Paris Bar and São Paulo Bar) with a PhD in International Law from the University Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is also qualified by the International School of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods (EIMA, Paris Bar), a mediator accredited by the CNMA in Paris and a Collaborative law practitioner.

She graduated from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP – Brazil) in 2001. She obtained a Master’s Degree in International Economic Law in 2003 and a PhD in International Law in 2007 at the University Paris 1.

Besides her activity as a consultant in International Law since 2003, she worked in law firms in São Paulo, Paris and Houston (TX, USA) and as senior in-house legal counsel. She taught International Law and International Relations at the University Paris 1 and worked at the International Economic Affairs Division of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. She is a UNESCO expert and currently teaches at the University Sciences Po Paris and at the University Paris Cité. She works as an attorney in international projects from her office in Paris.